Buy REHAB XXL Bariatric Stand Tall Walker In UAE

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REHAB XXL Bariatric Stand Tall Walker

AED 9,272.55
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AED 9,272.55

Product Details


Highlights :
It can be used for walking, mobilising from seated to standing and has an IV option. IV sold separately.
Two built in hand grips give extra safety to the user and minimises the risk of falling.
Under-arm padding is width adjustable and the angle can be adjusted to allow optimal support.
Brakes can be locked for added stability during transfers from seated to standing. Overview : The Stand Tall is a 'multifunctional aid' to provide the bariatric user with secure independence when walking. The two built-in handgrips on the side allow the user to stand up in a progressive action and with minimal risk of falling.

Fulfilled byMedikabazaar

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